Brewing for a Better World: Our Journey as Copernicus Beer DAO Token Holders
We recently joined the Copernicus Beer DAO as token holders, and we're excited to be a part of this innovative project that aims to make the world a better place through the power of beer. As token holders, we have a say in the decision-making process behind the brewing and distribution of Copernicus Beer. We are jointly responsible for brewing the beer and have a say in when to brew a new batch, how big it should be, and who will brew it.
Visit the Copernicus Beer WebsiteByJasper Verbeet — Announcements
2 min read

We recently became token holders in the Copernicus Beer DAO, and we're excited to be a part of this innovative project that aims to make the world a better place through the power of beer. But who was Copernicus, and how does he fit into the story of this unique beer brand?
Nicolaus Copernicus
Copernicus was a Polish astronomer and mathematician who is best known for his heliocentric model of the solar system, which proposed that the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. This was a radical idea at the time, as the dominant belief was that the Earth was the center of the universe. Copernicus' work laid the foundations for the scientific revolution and helped usher in a new era of scientific thinking.
So, what does all of this have to do with beer? The Copernicus Beer DAO is named after this groundbreaking scientist as a nod to the revolutionary nature of decentralization and the power of community-driven decision-making. The 24 token holders, including ourselves with NFT #02, are jointly responsible for brewing and distributing the beer, and we have a say in the direction that the brand takes.
How it works
The proceeds from Copernicus Beer sales are used to brew more beer and grow the capital of the DAO, with the goal of eventually needing less outside funding for each new brewing round. This model aligns with the principles of decentralization, as it promotes a more equitable distribution of power and wealth among the token holders.
Why we joined
But it's not just about the business side of things - we also see Copernicus Beer as a way to bring people together and facilitate discussions about decentralization. Whether you're enjoying a cold one with friends at a backyard barbecue or chatting over a pint at the pub, the experience of sharing a beer can bring people together and inspire conversation. By brewing beer that encourages this kind of social interaction and connection, we hope to contribute to a better world for all.
So next time you raise a glass of Copernicus Beer, remember that you're not just enjoying a great-tasting brew, but also supporting a project that is working towards a more decentralized and equitable future. Cheers!